Westport Road strives to maintain a thriving Women's ministry with multiple opportunities to connect and dive deeper into each other's lives and into the Word of God. If you're interested in joining one of our ladies groups please contact the church office to ensure you've got the latest information about meeting times and places!


Connect with WRCC Women on our Facebook Group!

Bible Studies & Devotional Times
All women are invited to participate in our weekly Bible studies. There you will find fellowship with genuine sisters in Christ encouraging those who are interested in growing spiritually and in the knowledge of God's word
*Tuesday Evening 7 PM to 8:30 PM / Couches Room-F102
Prayer/Devotional March 11

Join in a prayer/devotional time held on March 11th at 7PM.  

*Thursday Mornings 10 AM to 12PM / Couches Room-F102
Luke in the Land

Currently studying 'Luke in the Land' by, Kristi McLelland


Tuesday, March 25th at 10am OR Thursday, March 27th at 6:30pm

Come join us in front of the fireplace for a time of crafting and visiting. If you knit, crochet, cross stitch, embroider, do needlepoint or another kind of needle art, bring your latest project and share with us. If you'd like to learn to do a needle craft, we'd love to teach you. Bring a drink and we'll supply a snack. We just want to enjoy getting to know our sisters in Christ while doing something we love. Hope to see you there!