We look forward to meeting you!

We have 2 different worship times each Sunday - 9 and 11am. Our 9am worship assembly is a smaller, more traditional gathering, with one worship leader & a biblical sermon, and lasts about 45 minutes. Our 11am worship is led by a praise team, and is a larger gathering with participation from all ages - including children, youth, and folks in their 90s. This worship assembly runs 60-70 minutes. To get a feel for our worship, check out our youtube page.

Come as you are! Some of our folks dress up, but most come in jeans, khakis, or something comfortably appropriate. We are located on Westport Road, just off the Watterson Expressway, headed toward St. Matthews. When you arrive, pull around to the back of the building, where our main entrance is. 

During worship, we sing and enjoy a cappella style worship (we don't have a band). We share in the Lord's Supper every Sunday, and all who follow Christ are invited to join in - by coming to one of the tables around our auditorium for the bread & the juice (or, if you prefer, there are portable communion elements available at our welcome table as you enter each Sunday). We hear a biblically-based message each Sunday, 20-30 minutes in length, that points us to the life we have in Jesus.

We offer children's programming during both worship times. When you enter the building, turn left through the lobby and you will see the children's check-in desk. Nursery & preschool-age children meet in the children's wing for the entirety of worship; K-5th begin in the auditorium with their families, and are dismissed to Children's Worship before the sermon. Click here for more details on our children's ministry. Learn more about our youth ministry with 6th-12th graders.

Have any questions? Reach out to Jeff Dye, engagement minister, and he'll be glad to help.